Product Center
Huotong instrument is a professional manufacturer of integrated solutions for reactor, fixed bed and process flow
About Us
Huotong instrument is a world leading manufacturer of integrated solutions for reactor, fixed bed and process flow the company has a number of technical patents and has passed EU CE certification and ISO900 quantity system certification.
Huotong instrument It is specialized in designing and manufacturing high-end laboratory devices, small industrial devices and reactors for petroleum, petrochemical, chemical systems, scientific research institutes, energy, environmental protection, medicine and other industries.The company has accumulated rich on-site experience, and we have completed the design, production, installation and high-quality after-sales service system.
Application industry
Huotong instrument hopes to constantly meet the challenges of different technical requirements and is always committed to maximizing the benefits of customer projects!
Scientific research laboratory
Material development
Petroleum chemical industry
Catalytic synthesis
Energy and environmental
News Center
We always design qualified products for our customers in terms of technology and product innovation
05 2021.09加氢反应装置的原理加氢反应装置的控温及原理。氢化反应器装置设计有气体进料单元、液态进料单元、反应器单元和采集单元。加氢釜应用于催化、高温高压合成、动力学测试,具有耐数显微、耐腐蚀、生产能力强等优点, 应用于医药、饮料、化工、颜料、树脂、科研等行业。
05 2021.09加氢反应釜结构实验室加氢反应釜结构。通过高速搅拌使氢气、催化剂以及物料充分混合,从而达到快速反应的效果。反应釜釜体下部带气体分布器,氢气通过气体分布器从容器底部自下而上与物料充分混合。
05 2021.09深入了解反应釜使用注意事项深入了解反应釜使用注意事项。在操作前,应仔细检查有无异状,在正常运行中,不得打开上盖和触及板上之接线端子,以免触电;严禁带压操作;用氮气试压的过程中,仔细观察压力表的变化,达到试压压力,立即关闭氮气阀门开关;升温速度不宜太快,加压亦应缓慢进行,尤其是搅拌速度,只允许缓慢升速。